Saturday, March 27, 2010

Meet Leroni


Leroni is my spinning wheel. I got her in January with the combination of money I had saved and Christmas money. I had been thinking Odette or Odile for the name, but she didn't like either of those. She did like Leroni though. Suitable, as she is magic! Why is she magic?
Because she can take this
and turn it into this
Merino Multi

So far, she's also plied this Teddy Bear and this purple lace weight 2

And, she just finished this fire singles. Well, technically, that is a bobbin of singles. The finished yarn is a 2 ply.

This firey yarn was a bit odd. I was winding the yarn off the bobbin into a center pull ball (courtesy of the ball winder). I was about halfway done, and the ball flew off of the ball winder. And no, the cat wasn't helping! Also, I had 1 very full bobbin of singles, but once plied, it took up way more then 1 bobbin.

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